trollyd soundsystem—
weapons of mass pleasure

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harlequin squat. f15 london #1. f15 london #2. m8 sheffield #2.


17.01.05• finally a new update

we've been busy over the last year and we've got new stuff on the site from our exploits... we've added new films made by 2 of the collective who have been out to india and sri lanka ...enjoy [reports]

we hope to be following them up with a video of the lantern parade in sharrow, sheffield from 2004... and a new mix to rev youz up for the G8 at gleneagles, scotland later this year...


23.06.03 •major site overhaul

our site has had a major we have different pages for downloads...reports...specs etc...just click the links as before...hope u like

muke & T.S.O

01.06.03-03.06.03 • weapons of mass pleasure against the g8

trollyd have been on tour...along with 200,000 other activitsts we travelled to the french/swiss border to quarantine the murderers and bandits of the g8...more stuff on this later (reports poems and foto's) but for now you can download our film of the trip [download]


01.05.03 • a quiet day out—trollyd’s mayday experience

sheffield’s trollyd sound system crew began their mayday protest in barkers pool at 6.30pm playing... Not In Our Name by Saul Williams on a loop...after ten minutes we were directed to the town hall by two police... and told if we didn't go we would be arrested...the danger being we might start a rave...

we wheeled off to park up under the arched entrance of the town hall... the potential ravers (young skaters?) following...

at 8pm a small posse of anti nazi league persons arrived with the intention of preventing the B.N.P candidates entering the town hall for vote counting...we decide to join them...

word shot round saying we were in the wrong place..B.N.P were arriving at city hall... off we set to wait with our dancing smiling baton twirling entourage escorting us beats bouncing off the buildings either side...

at 9pm two B.N.P candidates arrived who were immediately surrounded by protesters and forced away from the entrance to angry chants of nazi scum ...the two police protecting them were very quickly reinforced by around fifty more in riot vans who immediately began shoving protesters away from the B.N.P and entrance to city hall...the trollyd crew were attacked...two were grabbed and thrown against the wall...police angrily told one he was under arrest... however was soon de-arrested...

as the police outnumbered the protestors trollyd posse decided to call it a day.


mrs moodle

23.03.03 • foil the base—menwith us spy base

trollyd crew turned out with more than 2000 other people at CIA central (n yorks that is).

the day began with an inspection of our weapons of mass pleasure by a mirror shaded pigs carrying automatic rifles... we want to search the van under the terrorism act... we were informed... we weren’t gonna argue...sure officer.

we could tell it was gonna be a mad day as we were passed by a bloke with his head wrapped in foil with a ball on the top... damn crazy peaceniks...

when we got to the main gate we stood and listened to people saying stuff [some quite interesting] and watched as kites of all shapes and sizes... balloons... reflector strips and mirrors all target the evil base.

some bloke sez to me sheffield lot don’t ’alf make some noise ...sheffield samba crew come stomping past right on cue proving him right...

then we were off round the base... soon we were into the first mass tresspass with trollyd’s new bnb04 mix [bush-buster] [download] providing the soundscape for the peaceniks and direct action crews to get bizzy.

again and again breeches of the outer fence happened... but the plod were more than ready for frontal assaults on the main perimeter.

big up to the menwith muppet massive—keep it surreal.

big middle finger up to nightstick weilding... ooh my number’s fallen off plod.

and a massive thanks to all people who donated to trollyd aid and helped us push the beast.

we’ll be out in shef for m29 see you there.


21.03.03 • sheffield

...and yea we were back again joining around 100 chalking peaceniks at the top of fargate... despite the lower turn out trollyd crew were still well appreciated.

we opted for a live set... dex.. laptop the works and the peaceniks lapped it up.

big up to safe and mate who turned up with tunes they had just bought and handed them over.



20.03.03 • day war broke out

5.00pm trollyd turned out at the town hall and kicked off with... [tbc!].

the crowd were lively and up 4 it. within 30 minutes the trollyd crew were challenged by another anti-war protester stating that people have died in iraq, we should not be dancing and that the trollyd music was inappropriate. the protester was reminded that trollyd was our anti-war protest, using an alternative medium to express ourselves and communicate to others. different strokes 4 different folks.

the sheffield samba band turned up... they’d been at it all day... what stamina! brilliant as ever!

the march went down to park square at 6ish, trollyd took 20–30 protesters, dancing down the streets towards the moor, disrupting traffik to the calendar studio [nb for out of sheffielders: yorkshire tv local news prog]... the lads and lasses were great, makin’ noise and negotiating with calender news staff whom informed us to return tomorrow for filming... nice one you lads who went in!!

bak 2 the town hall, more protesters joined us in our dance down fargate to meet up with the rest of the march. i’m no good with numbers... but there was loads of us, disrupting trams by marching and dancing down the tram traks.

at park square roundabout, the march filled all lanes at the bottom of the parkway, stopping all traffik for 30 minutes before lazily moving on up to the town hall again. trollyd was set up in the peace gardens and we played until 9.00pm.

big loveliness to all who put money in the trolly aid box. much appreciated... it covered costs 4 parking the van, photocopying anti-war information.

nice 2 c the lads who were with us in london on 15.02.03 demo.

c u all again 2moro.



this page for a start.


sheffield’s trollyd crew came together for their first outing back in 2001 [download] but had been knocking around together for a few years doing small-scale parties and community events. we’ve been around a bit... havin been involved in free parties/soundsysytems/pirate radio... arts projects/workers’ co-ops... politics/protest/green stuff.

since the first sheffield anti-war demo [dec01] we’ve participated in critical mass [bike actions]... mayday sheffield... the second london anti-war demo 02 and numerous ‘static’ events... stonehenge 02... big green gathering 02 [briefly].

trolley itself is currently in its second incarnation... the first trolley was an old steel works number but was borrowed from a mate... the current one is custom built with a battery box underneath... sadly though we’ve got axle problems at the mo and might be looking for a replacement...

celebrity djs talk frankly about trollyd

love judge.

Mete Mong

last time I saw these guys I cried...

Manny Mampling

...i wish they’d been around for the poll tax riot—bassline that motherfuckin’ pigvan man.

Masha’s so nice to see ideologically motivated people making a loud noise.

MiM Mestwood

...will you fuckin’ stop it... please!

Moger Manchez

Extreme Noise Terror.

Mudge Mules

...these guys can really make your illegal gathering/demo/riot go with a swing.

trollyd specs

warp core.

power storage

6 x Varta 6V 180Ah wheelchair batteries

4 x Greenpower 12V 110Ah leisure batteries

we don’t carry all of these on the trolley at once 4 wheelchair batteries will run us for a good 8 hours.

charging equipment

BP250 50W solar panel this goes on the trolley nicely

Air 403 400W wind turbine

Rutland 913 250W wind turbine

Skytronic Power Converter [DC-AC] 1kW inverter

the above stuff has charged the batteries fine they haven’t been connected to the grid since march 02.

noise-making equipment

BK Electronics OMP 450 + 450W amplifier

4 x EV sx500 speakers

2 x 15" scoop bass bins loaded with celestion BX15 400HS

Alesis 3630 graphic equalizer

Sharp minidisk player MD-MS722

different combinations of the above will go ont trolley at once.


oi [sometime trollyd designa] rants.

playing with sound systems and renewable power is my contribution to the global village we live in.

a handful of people with a common goal can achieve loads by working together, the free festivals of the early nineties proved for me that another world is possible one without police, security firms, etc … people can coexist peacefully, outside the confines of capitalism, without being told what to do, just by contributing in whatever way they feel they want to.

the state has long been threatened by people exercising freedom (real freedom rather than freedom to shop at whatever high street shop they choose) hence it found the need to pass even more repressive laws (CJA 94) to contain the people’s expressions of freedom on top of the public order acts.

now since 911 we have even more... the state, the protector of democracy, is asking the police forces to do more and more to keep the lid on / patch over the cracks… more and more people are resisting... the harder they push so the resistance increases... we are in a new era of fear and paranoia... but who is scared of who…? don’t forget anyone the government doesn’t like is now a terrorist.

free stuff - giving stuff away for free - doing stuff for free is what its all about and ultimately everything should be free, as all the resources given to us globally are free ie the sun is free the water is free... it all comes from the free bank of the universe...

our system is an example of the future...

it is an amplifier...

it runs on free energy...

gives out free energy...

empowering and lifting all...

may 2003

muke [sometime trollyd selecta] rants.


the problem with raver/sound system vibe is that, the snatched hours of freedom carved out of pub basements and sheltered quarries shows a vision of a better world but doesn’t provide the tools for the job... happy music 4 happy people has one drawback... if we’re happy we’ll sit around on our arses and do fuck all...

the beatz not bombz series [downloads] was put together over the period from the beginning of the afghan war up to the 15/02/03 demo.

the idea is to take our music of freedom to a new place... agit-prop-beatz [informing and inciting]... using the energy of the mix and the addition of samples of politicians/journos to create a bassline fuelled militant anti-war message... a call to action... an incitement to resist...

in london on f15 it took us a bit of time to get into our groove but when george carlin dropped his if you live in a country with brown people in it... tell them to watch the fuck out the place lit up...

an hour later and the 2 ronnieswere proper rockin’ the crowd... ronnie reaganpreaching his anarcho-capitalist government is the problem mantra, 200–400 people keepin’ time...


till ronnie sizetearz it out with scrambled egg and the crowd goes wild...

we are proved right...

music + propaganda + people = our-power

weak become heros...

i’ve renamed the bnb03 mix piccadilly rockerz [download] as that was one ov my fav bitz of the day... altern8’s infiltrate202 blarin’ —watch yer bass binz, am tellin’ yer.

hornz... whistles... cheers... drumz... screams... anti-war mc bizzy on the case... fuckin’ wicked... cheers everyone.

march 2003

Acoustic warfare.


f15 london

dave and crew [wimbledon]...
the little rasta guy with the hornz 4 keepin us rollin’...
that mad city-gent-at-home type with the pupils as big as saucers...
the arab guy with the free palestine t-shirt and his crew...
everybody else

web help

pault • emailweb

links • who host this site.

sheffield samba band • sheffield’s other noizy buggers.

radio4all • who host our mp3s [and thousands of other political mp3s].

indymedia uk • for proper news.

guilfin • music, politics—what more do you want?

schnews • direct action weekly.

ninjatune downloads • check this for saul williams not in our name mp3. get ’em quick!

iraq body count • latest updates.

bedzed •wicked sustainable community. •for all things permaculturey.


if you fancy giving trollyd a hand, we’re in need of the following:

solar panels

g3 phone

video projector


walkie talkies

face paint


old pram

trollies [of any description]

tea urn

any other stuff that might be useful


armes de plaisir massif contre g8

real media video

armes de plaisir massif contre g8http • 14:47 • 37Mb

beatz not bombz 01–04

all downloads are stereo mp3

beatz not bombz 01infoftphttpplayhttp [alt] • 1:14:41 • 85.4Mb

beatz not bombz 02infoftphttpplayhttp [alt] • 1:14:47 • 102.7Mb

beatz not bombz 03 [piccadilly rockerz]infoftphttpplayhttp [alt] • 1:14:28 • 102.3Mb

beatz not bombz 04 [bush-buster]infoftphttpplayhttp [alt] • 1:13:16 • 100.7Mb

trollyd • email
@ [anti-copyright] 2003 • last update • 010 • 18 june 2003